A Key Environmental Issue (Letter)


An international student magazine has invited its readers to submit a letter argueing for immediate action on a key environmental isuue. You decide to write a letter briefly describing an environmental problem that concerns you, explaining why you are arguing for immediate action and reccomending appropriate measures to rectify the situation.

Write your letter (280-320 words).

Dear Sir or Madam

Following the article in your magazine urging its readers to put forward a major environmental issue, on behalf of my community I appeal to the World Environmental Organisation to take notice of industrial wastewater and its toxic effect on our habitat (C1) for reasons outlined (C1) below.

Due to the industrialization (C1) in recent years, wastewater effluent has compromised marine life as well as human health, presenting far-reaching inflicting implications (C1) for their proper evolution and, arguably, existence. Never before has the world witnessed such a detrimental (C2) effect of humanity (C1) on nature, largely through its purposeful (C2) extermination by disposing of effluents in local rivers and lakes.

While the Ecological Association and local committees do not appear to manifest its interest in the current challenge by undertaking preventive (C2) measures or raising awareness (C1) of the residential population by giving insight into rather negative, if not life-threatening, consequences, the latter remain ignorant of the whole gravity of the situation. Were they aware of waters borne illnesses resulting from discharged wastewater and jeopardy they are being put in; they would certainly boycott guilty companies.

Having said that (C1), concerted (C1) actions are needed to deal with this. With publicity, deep insight and severe punishment we are bound to cease unremitting contamination of our habitat. Such measures as fines, arrests, educational talks and up to total closure (C2) of the businesses run by unscrupulous (C2) manufacturers are highly likely (C1) to make all the difference to the current ecological condition of the freshwater, whose supplies are estimated to be on the verge of (C2) depletion in the foreseeable future.

In conclusion, every murder is expected to be condemned. How come, therefore, those who commit multiple (C1) crimes towards our planet have been unpunished to date? Not only (C1) are the executives (C1) supposed to be removed from office, but also to be constrained to compensate for the damage done to nature although it is unfeasible in its entirety.

Yours faithfully,

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