Great (extreme, B1)

She filled out the form with great caution in order not to make a mistake.

Complete (B1)

The hotel we stayed in and its amenities proved to be a complete disaster.

Total ( B1)

Investing in questionable enterprises led the company to its total bunkrupcy. 

Absolute (B2)

Everything said by him in his own defence in court appeared to be an absolute lie and was confirmed by a witness.

Thorough (B2)

No sooner had her daughter Sara left the nest than she made a thorough revision of her things.

Extreme (B2)

As things have turned out, the airplane crash was caused by extreme weather condition. 

Sheer (C1)

A sheer incomprehension in the couple was rooted from mentality differences due to diverse nationalities.

Utter (C2)

An utter indignation was conspicuous on the faces of the elderly people staring at a gang of smoking and swearing adolescents.